Social Concerns · Parish Social Ministry

Advocacy and Organizing

We are called to stand in solidarity with our brothers and sisters. We must be a voice for the voiceless, the defenseless, and the most vulnerable in society. Charity and justice go hand in hand. In regards to charity, we are obligated to meet the immediate needs of those in most need by providing material and spiritual support. However, charity itself does not change social structures that threaten human life and human dignity. Working for justice requires finding the root causes of poverty, hunger, homelessness, direct threats to human life, oppression, and other forms of injustice and empowering the community to speak out and work for change. As Pope Paul VI said, "If you want peace, work for justice.”

The Social Concerns office also has detailed information on community organizing projects and education through the diocesan Catholic Campaign for Human Development Office.

  • Read the U.S. Bishop's statement, Faithful Citizenship and other statements on political responsibility.
  • Register to vote.
  • Sponsor a nonpartisan parish voter registration drive or candidates night.
  • Learn about the legislative process.
  • Monitor legislation.
  • Attend a rally related to an issue of social concern.
  • Write, fax, email, and visit legislators and other government officials on issues of social concern.
  • Organize a parish phone tree network to advocate on pressing legislative issues.
  • Write letters to the editor and op-ed articles.
  • Participate in Legislative Advocacy Day sponsored by the Information and Response Network which provides a legislative network and disaster relief plan for the diocese. Timely emails are sent to subscribers. For more information, send an information request at [email protected].

    The office also has detailed information on community organizing projects and education through the diocesan Catholic Campaign for Human Development Office.