EDITOR'S NOTE: This article coincided with Safe Haven Sunday in the diocese on April 14 to bring awareness to the serious issues surrounding human trafficking, pornography and exploitation. Authors’ names were changed to protect their identities.

I remember once when we were dating, he drove to my work to give me a hug during a particularly bad day. During that hug I thanked Jesus for using this man to show me His love for me; using this man’s arms as His arms and feet to hug me. I truly fell in love with him as a man who loved me like Christ loves His Church.

But when I caught him looking at porn, he not only became an adulterer. My protector became my assailant. My earthly safe place is gone. My female insecurities and struggles of inadequacies are realized. I don’t know how to be brave enough to be sexually vulnerable to him now. I never imagined I would be faced with having to learn how to forgive him for infidelity after his arms wrapped around me like they were the arms of Christ.

-- Marie Dare