November 10, 2020 03:00

Vatican's Theodore McCarrick Report

Earlier today, the Vatican released its report on the investigation of former cardinal Theodore McCarrick. The details of this report will be painful for all Catholics, most especially for victims of sexual abuse by members of the clergy.

But it is vital that this report be released, and the truth be made public. It is vital that the victims know that their pain and suffering has been heard and acknowledged. It is vital that those in positions of authority in the Church acknowledge the wrongs that have been committed and persons who committed these acts be held accountable. And it vital that all Catholics use the report as a lesson on how to prevent similar occurrences in the future.

The Diocese of Columbus urges anyone who has been the victim of sexual abuse, or any other crime, to contact local law enforcement immediately. Anyone who has been the victim of sexual abuse by a bishop, priest, deacon, staff member, or volunteer in the Diocese of Columbus should also report the abuse to the Diocesan Victim Assistance Coordinator, 614-241-2568, 866-448-0217, or at [email protected]

The coming weeks will be difficult for all of us as we study and fully assess this report. However, we must deal with the contents of this report in an honest and straightforward manner. Moving forward, we will use this report as a framework to further strengthen and focus our efforts to rid our Church of this sinful crime. In the Diocese of Columbus, I give to you my commitment to continue to work to provide a safe and nurturing environment for all within our community – inspired by Christ and the Joy of his Gospel and consistent with our teachings and traditions, let us all pray and work together to grow a stronger Church.

+ Bishop Robert J. Brennan

PDF of Statement