November 04, 2020 03:01

Beatification of Knights of Columbus Founder Father Michael J. McGivney

I join with all my Brother Knights and the faithful in the Diocese of Columbus in thanksgiving for the recent beatification of the Blessed Father Michael J. McGivney, founder of the Knights of Columbus and a model of a parish priest. This sacred event offers each of us an opportunity to consider our Knights' important work within our communities. Since its founding 138 years ago, the Knights of Columbus have been a great force for good within our Church. They provide much-needed charity to those most in need, staunchly defend the Church's teachings and our religious freedom, enthusiastically support our priests and vocations, and encourage Catholic men to be better sons, husbands, and fathers. We are all profoundly thankful Father McGivney, through his glorious example, has inspired millions of Catholic men here in our Diocese, throughout our country, and around the world. We continue to pray that the Blessed Father McGivney will one day achieve sainthood while eternally inspiring men to lives of faith and service.

+ Bishop Robert J. Brennan

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